Friday, June 12, 2009
Tinley Park Convention Center
Tinley Park, IL
Bout # 1 Meegal Harper 1-0 Vs Scott Wilson 1-0
Announcer Joe York introduces the fighter as the night is about to begin.
Rd #1 The bell sounds and both fighters come to the center of the ring. Harper starts fast showing his blazing speed, lands some good shots and knocks Wilson down. Around a minute into the fight, Wilson gets up early in the count and is ready to go. Harper lands a couple of nice jabs followed by a sweet left hook and Wilson goes down for good.
KO for Meegal Harper 2 minutes and 14 seconds into rd number 1
Bout #2 Angel Hernandez 12-3 Vs Guadalupe Diaz 5-4-3
The Battle of the Green, White, and Red!!!
Rd #1 Angel tries to work behind the jab early. Action slows mid-round as both fighters throw one maybe two and then retreat. Angel appears to have the edge in speed and is more active in the last minute of the round probably taking the round.
Rd #2 Fast start for Angel, Lupe seems to be ok with the role of counter puncher. A lot of holding by both fighters but both do a great job of working out of it. Another close round but I would have to give the edge to Angel.
Rd #3 Both fighters again touch gloves to start the round. Lupe starts the round with two nice shots that land. He then follows that up with a huge overhand right. Later in the round Lupe lands a hard left hook to the body. The bell rings and Lupe wins Rd #3 in a big way.
Rd #4 Angel starts fast again and lands two shots right down Main Street. The crowd starts to get excited as Angel has him hurt. Angel gets a little too excited himself, and pushes Lupe down so it is ruled a slip. Lupe gets on his feet and Angel jumps all over him. But again he can’t land the clean shot to finish him and pushes him down so no knockdown again. Lupe gets up and Angel tries to pounce one more time but this time Lupe holds a couple of times, regains his legs and goes on the offensive, landing big with a short left hook and follows it up with a straight right followed by a short right as the bell rings. Lupe did just enough in the last minute to keep it from becoming a 10-8 round.
Rd #5 A straight left is landed by Angel early in the round. But action then slows way down both fighters trying to set up a knockout with the jab. Both throwing big shots but not landing. This is the closest round of the night as it could go either way.
Rd #6 Action picks way up again as the fans get loud as this is the sixth and final round. Both fighters know it’s a close fight and are trying to get something going a lot of punches thrown by both but nothing clean until 10 seconds to go in the match. Angel lands a clean hook, that appeared to hurt Diaz but with no time to do anything we go to the scorecards.
Joe York brings both fighters to the center of the ring: Judge 1 has the fight 57-57 Draw, Judge 2 has the fight 58-56, and Judge 3 has it 59-55 for your winner by majority decision Angel Hernandez.
Bout # 3 Robert Jaskierny 3-1 Vs Jose Guzman 5-2
Rd #1 Guzman lands early but Rob counters. Rob lands 2 clean right hooks. Both fighters now move inside, trying to work the body. They are separated with about 30 seconds to go in the round.
I see a little blood coming from the right side of Guzman’s nose. Bell rings. Close round but I think Rob landed more effective shots.
Rd #2 Rob gets Guzman in the corner and both fighters throw like crazy. Rob gets the best of that exchange. Things now start to settle down. Guzman is throwing more punches but Rob is doing more damage. Guzman lands 2 big shots at the bell. I have Rob winning the first 2 rounds but its close.
Rd #3 Blood is still coming from the right side of Guzman’s nose. Guzman lands a nice fury early. Crowd starting to get loud to cheer on Rob. Guzman seems to feed off that, landing another big fury followed by another. Guzman again lands 2 at the bell. Guzman dominates round 3 maybe even a 10-8 round.
Rd #4 Bell rings and Guzman goes on the attack again landing early and often. Rob is now bleeding bad as he appears to have a cut over his eye. Guzman is all over him landing shot after shot but Rob will not go down. Finally the ref jumps in to stop the fight. And no real argument by either Rob or his corner. One minute, two seconds into round #4 TKO victory for Jose Guzman.
Bout #4 Josh Crouch 4-0 Vs Joshua Rodriguez 4-8
Rd #1 Crouch out worked Rodriguez in the first round, not doing a ton of damage. But definitely looking good for the judges.
Rd #2 Blood starts to come from Rodriguez’s nose half way through the round. Rodriguez is a little more effective than he was in the first round but he is still being out work by Crouch.
Rd #3 Rodriguez lands a nice fury early in the round and is starting to land on Crouch. Then the fight comes to a weird stop as Rodriguez quits in the middle of the round that I thought he was winning. But after this fight was over Emil Kegebein showed me on his camera a picture of a hard, hard shot landed by Crouch that must have hurt Rodriguez. So one minute and fifty seconds into round # 3 Josh Crouch wins by TKO
Bout #5 Ed Ochoa 8-0 Vs Jessie David 11-12
Ok so let me set the stage for you. This is now the Main Event because Michael
Walker vs. Orphius Waite has been cancelled because Walker has been hospitalized due to dehydration. So both fighters enter the ring, the national anthem is played and if you looked at the program and saw both fighters’ records you’re starting to think of where you are going after this fight, because this is going to be over quick. Well someone forgot to tell Jessie David that because he came to fight.
Rd #1 Both fighters show their speed early. Ed lands a clean shot and the crowd starts to chant Eddy, Eddy, and Eddy. Ed then lands a big right hand to make them happy. Ed is landing the cleaner punches and wins round one.
Rd #2 Jessie backs Ed into the ropes and lands a couple of shots. Ed spins out and now has Jessie up against the ropes and he lands a couple. Jessie gets out, backs Ed into the corner and the same thing happens in the corner. So far this is a very close round but Ed answers with a right hook and backs Jessie into the corner and starts landing but he lets him out with 10 seconds to go in the round. Ed has won the first two rounds.
Rd #3 Jessie is starting to land, then backs Ed into the corner, lands a big right hand that stuns Ed, he falls back into the ropes but doesn’t go down. Jessie charges in trying to knock him down as Ed’s legs look weak. Ed then lands 2 quick hooks to back Jessie off him. Then Ed turns it up a little more as now
Jessie’s legs look a little weak. Ed keeps coming following Jessie around the ring landing shot after shot until Jessie finally goes down. He gets up early in the count, end of the round. 10-8 round for Ed.
Rd #4 Fighters get up off their stools and I can see a cut over Jessie’s left eye and a little mouse under Ed’s left eye. Jessie lands a straight right but Ed answers back. Close round back and forth action. Both fighters are right in front of me Jessie up against the ropes then Ed. Both landing big shot after big shot. I should have brought an umbrella as the blood and sweat fly. A very close round, I could see this one going either way.
Rd #5 Now Jessie has a mouse forming under his left eye. Ed lands a right hook early. But Jessie fires back and starts to land good shots on Ed. Jessie can’t get more than one or two shots in at a time but is out pointing Ed this round. As this fight may not be decided yet.
Rd #6 This is the final round. The fist half of the round is close back and forth action. The crowd starts the chant again Eddy, Eddy, Eddy. Ed’s shots land cleaner the second half of the round and Ed should win the round.
I believe the knockdown in the third should have won Ed the fight. I want to say a huge ‘Great Fight” to both fighters but especially to Jessie David what heart. To get knocked down in the third round and then come back and fight like he did the last three made it a great night of boxing.
The scores are in Judge 1 has it 58-55, Judge 2 58-56, and Judge 3 59-54 for your winner and still undefeated Ed Ochoa.
***Special thanks to Octavius James of One in a Million, Inc. for issuing Bolo Punch the credentials to cover this event. This is an exclusive ringside report from Tinley Park Convention center, written in its entirety by Tim Paterson, who is the producer of the Bolo Punch Boxing Hour. All ringside photography provided solely by Emil Kegebein, easily viewed at
Tinley Park Convention Center
Tinley Park, IL
Bout # 1 Meegal Harper 1-0 Vs Scott Wilson 1-0
Rd #1 The bell sounds and both fighters come to the center of the ring. Harper starts fast showing his blazing speed, lands some good shots and knocks Wilson down. Around a minute into the fight, Wilson gets up early in the count and is ready to go. Harper lands a couple of nice jabs followed by a sweet left hook and Wilson goes down for good.
KO for Meegal Harper 2 minutes and 14 seconds into rd number 1
Bout #2 Angel Hernandez 12-3 Vs Guadalupe Diaz 5-4-3
The Battle of the Green, White, and Red!!!
Rd #1 Angel tries to work behind the jab early. Action slows mid-round as both fighters throw one maybe two and then retreat. Angel appears to have the edge in speed and is more active in the last minute of the round probably taking the round.
Rd #3 Both fighters again touch gloves to start the round. Lupe starts the round with two nice shots that land. He then follows that up with a huge overhand right. Later in the round Lupe lands a hard left hook to the body. The bell rings and Lupe wins Rd #3 in a big way.
Rd #5 A straight left is landed by Angel early in the round. But action then slows way down both fighters trying to set up a knockout with the jab. Both throwing big shots but not landing. This is the closest round of the night as it could go either way.
Rd #6 Action picks way up again as the fans get loud as this is the sixth and final round. Both fighters know it’s a close fight and are trying to get something going a lot of punches thrown by both but nothing clean until 10 seconds to go in the match. Angel lands a clean hook, that appeared to hurt Diaz but with no time to do anything we go to the scorecards.
Joe York brings both fighters to the center of the ring: Judge 1 has the fight 57-57 Draw, Judge 2 has the fight 58-56, and Judge 3 has it 59-55 for your winner by majority decision Angel Hernandez.
Bout # 3 Robert Jaskierny 3-1 Vs Jose Guzman 5-2
Rd #1 Guzman lands early but Rob counters. Rob lands 2 clean right hooks. Both fighters now move inside, trying to work the body. They are separated with about 30 seconds to go in the round.
Rd #2 Rob gets Guzman in the corner and both fighters throw like crazy. Rob gets the best of that exchange. Things now start to settle down. Guzman is throwing more punches but Rob is doing more damage. Guzman lands 2 big shots at the bell. I have Rob winning the first 2 rounds but its close.
Rd #3 Blood is still coming from the right side of Guzman’s nose. Guzman lands a nice fury early. Crowd starting to get loud to cheer on Rob. Guzman seems to feed off that, landing another big fury followed by another. Guzman again lands 2 at the bell. Guzman dominates round 3 maybe even a 10-8 round.
Rd #4 Bell rings and Guzman goes on the attack again landing early and often. Rob is now bleeding bad as he appears to have a cut over his eye. Guzman is all over him landing shot after shot but Rob will not go down. Finally the ref jumps in to stop the fight. And no real argument by either Rob or his corner. One minute, two seconds into round #4 TKO victory for Jose Guzman.
Bout #4 Josh Crouch 4-0 Vs Joshua Rodriguez 4-8
Rd #1 Crouch out worked Rodriguez in the first round, not doing a ton of damage. But definitely looking good for the judges.
Rd #3 Rodriguez lands a nice fury early in the round and is starting to land on Crouch. Then the fight comes to a weird stop as Rodriguez quits in the middle of the round that I thought he was winning. But after this fight was over Emil Kegebein showed me on his camera a picture of a hard, hard shot landed by Crouch that must have hurt Rodriguez. So one minute and fifty seconds into round # 3 Josh Crouch wins by TKO
Bout #5 Ed Ochoa 8-0 Vs Jessie David 11-12
Ok so let me set the stage for you. This is now the Main Event because Michael
Rd #1 Both fighters show their speed early. Ed lands a clean shot and the crowd starts to chant Eddy, Eddy, and Eddy. Ed then lands a big right hand to make them happy. Ed is landing the cleaner punches and wins round one.
Rd #3 Jessie is starting to land, then backs Ed into the corner, lands a big right hand that stuns Ed, he falls back into the ropes but doesn’t go down. Jessie charges in trying to knock him down as Ed’s legs look weak. Ed then lands 2 quick hooks to back Jessie off him. Then Ed turns it up a little more as now
Rd #4 Fighters get up off their stools and I can see a cut over Jessie’s left eye and a little mouse under Ed’s left eye. Jessie lands a straight right but Ed answers back. Close round back and forth action. Both fighters are right in front of me Jessie up against the ropes then Ed. Both landing big shot after big shot. I should have brought an umbrella as the blood and sweat fly. A very close round, I could see this one going either way.
Rd #5 Now Jessie has a mouse forming under his left eye. Ed lands a right hook early. But Jessie fires back and starts to land good shots on Ed. Jessie can’t get more than one or two shots in at a time but is out pointing Ed this round. As this fight may not be decided yet.
Rd #6 This is the final round. The fist half of the round is close back and forth action. The crowd starts the chant again Eddy, Eddy, Eddy. Ed’s shots land cleaner the second half of the round and Ed should win the round.
I believe the knockdown in the third should have won Ed the fight. I want to say a huge ‘Great Fight” to both fighters but especially to Jessie David what heart. To get knocked down in the third round and then come back and fight like he did the last three made it a great night of boxing.
The scores are in Judge 1 has it 58-55, Judge 2 58-56, and Judge 3 59-54 for your winner and still undefeated Ed Ochoa.
***Special thanks to Octavius James of One in a Million, Inc. for issuing Bolo Punch the credentials to cover this event. This is an exclusive ringside report from Tinley Park Convention center, written in its entirety by Tim Paterson, who is the producer of the Bolo Punch Boxing Hour. All ringside photography provided solely by Emil Kegebein, easily viewed at